Playa del Carmen to Chichen Itza Bus Schedule

Playa del Carmen Bus Station location:

ADO Playa del Carmen at the corner of Juarez and Quinta Avenida, by the town square.

Playa del Carmen to Chichen Itza

Bus Line Class Travel Time Cost
ADO First Class 3:50 282 pesos*
Departure Times
Daily 08:00

Disclaimer – Travel Yucatan provides bus schedules as a service to our website users only for reference. We do not have any association with ADO or any other vendor providing bus transportation. We cannot book reservations for bus transportation. The times and costs change regularly and may not be 100% accurate although we update them regularly. The only way to purchase bus tickets is in person at the station unless you are a Mexican resident with a Mexican credit card to purchase through the ADO website.

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 Chichen Itza Bus Schedule