Take a photographic journey through Playa del Carmen. There are over a hundred photographs here taken in high-resolution digital format to bring you the highest quality possible. After clicking on a few pictures you will get the general idea of Playa del Carmen and everything you have heard about this funtastic place will fill your head with excitement because you are going there!!!
We have divided the photographs here into six categories:
NOTE: For optimum effect; go to your local home-depo and get 10 bags of sand – pour sand in computer room, turn up thermostat to high, put on your bathing suite and sun glasses, make yourself a Margarita, turn on a high intesity heat lamp and aim it at your head, put on a salsa or maringi band CD for background ambiance, have your loved one gently massage your neck and shoulders while whispering sweet nothings into your ear…you are ready now…click away and enjoy!!!