When snorkeling or diving, NEVER, EVER stand on, our touch, the coral. It is VERY damaging to the coral, and we don’t want to ruin the very thing we’ve gone there to enjoy.
When booking your vacation, be sepecific, eg ocean view does not = ocean front. Beach property does not always mean swimable beach.
Keep a few toilet seat covers folded in a ziplock bag. Flushing is dicouraged in many public restrooms and toilet seats can be dirty or even non-existent. It can also double as toilet paper.
Bring thermal mugs with lids to keep coffee hot in the morning and keep drinks cold and sand out on the beach-and they hold more tequila than a plastic cup.
Bring $2 bills USD. Locals think they are “Special”. It’s good to Tip with them. You get more “miles for your buck” when renting the small taxis. Have your bank order you some 2 weeks before leaving.
Withdra money from a local ATM as you will get the exact current exchange rate. Almost all stores will give you an unfavorable conversion rate.
Before you travel, plan your budget and know about your major expenses. You cannot miss spending on groceries, rent/mortgage, food, international phone cards, petrol/gas prices, utilities, etc but remember there would be unexpected expenses which will add to the list. Hence an addtional saving is always handy during sudden emergencies such as medical, home repairs, furniture, etc.
If you love snorkeling, purchase your own gear and bring it with you on vacation. At many locations you can snorkel right off the beach anytime you want, saving tour fees.
If you wear contact lenses, take disposible ones on vacation. You won’t have to take all the storage and cleaning items saving on space and you won’t have to worry about loosing one.
When packing, use “space bags”. If you get stopped by customs you’ll breeze through as they can easily see what’s in your suitcase and you can quickly repack.
Scan travel documents such as passports, birth certificates, drivers license etc. Send an email to yourself with the scanned documents attached.
Unless you’re positive a sale has a set price, bargain! Usually, you’ll get away with saving money if you just bargain.
Remember to use bottled water when brushing your teeth.
Start eating yogurt daily before a trip and during your trip, it will fight bacteria in your system and you’ll have less of a chance of getting Montezuma’s Revenge.
Buy water shoes and biodegradable sunscreen ( swimming with the dolphins/ ECO tour) before your trip. It is very expensive to buy there. (I bought mine in a health food store).
As dumb as this sounds…bring a pen or two ! You need one in order to fill out the custom forms on the plane.
Make your own first aid kit. Bandaids,rubbing alcohol,cotton balls,triple antibotic ointment,benadryl pills (great for bug bites-but may make you tired-so I use the children’s formula !!!)
If you need any medication take your prescription from your doctor.
American Express is a good credit card to have especially if you have to go to the hospital. Many times it is the only credit card that is accepted.
To protect clothing in suitcase pack whites, colors, and shoes in 3 separate large clear garbage bags. At destination use bags for dirtied clothes.
If you wear glasses/contacts, bring your most recent eye exam prescription.
If your hotel room doesn’t have a safe, place small amounts of money in envelopes and stash the envelopes in different hiding places in the room. (dont forget where you’ve stashed your envelope)
When going out, put your money in an inside pocket or pouch, where it isn’t visible.
When travelling with small children have them wear the same outfit or similar clothes. If one gets lost in a crowd they are easier to spot, and you can show authorities what the child was wearing.
When on snorkelling tours, inspect flippers carefully before and after snorkelling. Sneaky tour operators will charge you excessively if damaged.
If you like to hang up most of your clothes on holidays save your dry cleaning hangers and bring them and just leave them there at the end of trip.
Before you leave for your trip, print your name, address, e-mail and phone number on a piece of paper: Take a picture of the paper so it is the first photograph on the memory card. Hopefully if the person who finds your camera looks at the images on the card they will see your contact info and return the camera to you.
For all-inclusive, email resort ahead of time for requests (bed type, rest. reservations, building location etc). Often they’ll accommodate you & you’ll be a step ahead of others.
Before heading out, stop by a health food store and buy a bottle of grapefruit seed extract pills. Take one before every meal & you will not have any problems with diarrhea.
Use the ice bucket to keep milk and food cold. Put food in secure plastic bag, use the trash can “if clean” keep the plastic bag insert, then fill plastic bag with ice, put the food in plastic bag.
Call your cell phone provider to find out their rates on roaming in Mexico, because trying to use the calling cards is almost impossible if you do not speak fluent Spanish.
To keep your necklaces from being tangled while traveling, string them through a drinking straw and close the clasp around it.
Put something brightly colored on the outside of your luggage so that it is easier and faster to pick it out on the luggage conveyer.
As soon as you get back from holiday, make a list of all the things you didn’t wear / use and all the things you could have done with. You can then refer back to it when packing for your next trip.
Waiting till the last minute to book is not recommended. Booking late does not necessarily mean there will be a further discount.
There is no stand-by out of Cancun, Cozumel or Merida [unless you work for an airline].
Charters fly in and out on certain days of the week while major carriers fly everyday.
Having to connect in Mexico City to get to Cancun, Cozumel or Merida is no problem and only adds a couple hours of extra travel time depending on how close the connecting flights are.
Mexico City airport is easy to navigate and there are numerous help desks and personnel to assist you in connecting flights.
Your luggage is automatically moved from one airplane to the connecting airplane. You do not have to collect it then recheck it on your connecting flight.
It is a good idea to put suntan lotion on before you leave, especially in the winter months. This is so when you arrive in Mexico you are already prepared and do not have to dig out your lotion.
Wear zip-off pant/shorts so soon as you get off the airplane you can be in shorts.
Under no circumstances should you take any photographs of customs at any airport [especially in the US]. You may end up in security explaining your actions.
Check with your airline for weight restrictions on your luggage, or else you will have to buy the airline’s 15 dollar box and put some of your belongings in it!
Traveler’s checks are not easy to cash at the banks in Cozumel. Exchange monies before you make your journey. You will avoid hassles.
On the shuttles from airport to hotels, sit on a right-side window to watch luggage being unloaded prior to your hotel. To ensure that your luggage isn’t accidentally taken to another hotel.
Carry extra baggies & take buns/meats/cheeses and fruit/nuts/cereal from the buffet. You’ve paid for this food – so why buy expensive food during your day trip?
Only exchange a small amount of your US dollars at a time… When returning at the airport they don’t want to re-exchange.
Use a large Collapsible Rolling Cooler as your main suitcase- this will make sure that you limit what you pack AND you will have your own cooler for day trips too!
On bus intercity travel, reserve Seat #1 or Seat #2 beforehand. You will get unobstructed view of the windshield.
When you bring the kids take cold and fever pills, rash cream and tummy upset pills. These medications are very expensive at the resorts.
Make sure to write on all charge slips as you sign whether the currency is in USD or PESO as both use the “$”.
2 way radio’s are a great. They come 2 mile and 5 mile rage to bring on vacation when traveling with kids. This way You can track them down and there under 50.00.
If stung by Jellyfish while walking or swimming in the water, immediately sprinkle with meat tenderizer (used for cooking); it dissolves the proteins that cause the pain and swelling.
Print out places you want to go, and go over them with everyone on the plane. It keeps nervous first time flyers distracted.
As soon as the doors shut on a plane ask the stewardess if you can switch seats, since everyone on the plane is there it is usually no problem.
Place your toothpaste in a freezer zip-loc baggie so that it does not explode in your luggage during flight.
Spray athletes foot with Right Guard Sport deodorant util wet. Do not spray open sores, as they will smart. Infections will often be cured with one spraying but need time to heal.
Mole Skin, found in stores by foot care items, is a must for blisters you may get from walking.
If divorced and you have sole custody, there is no need for a notarized letter from the absent parent. Simply bring the notarized divorce indicating sole custody.
Put your clothes into large ziploc bags, roll out the air, seal! This helps to create more space.
A great to store jewelry is in a half to full small tampon box. Who wants to look in there?
Carry baby wipes, non-scented, for wiping hands before and after a meal or after touching handrails.
To borrow, rent, or purchase an item, have a written consent or sales receipt w/description, serial #, etc. If stolen & retrieved by police-they will keep item without proof that it was yours.
Bring baggies: good for laundry powder, separating souvenirs, etc. …the more you have with you, the more uses you will find for them!
Bring light ponchos for rain gear. These can be purchased from most camping stores. Many stadiums also carry a light poncho to sell to fans of local football teams. These work great as well. They are small and light and easy to carry anywhere you go as a rain cloud can come in no time and dump a monsoon on your head.
Photocopy all your travel documents including your passport and any document that has your signature on it and leave them with a relative or friend that you know you can contact in the event that you loose all your documentation. The copies can be faxed to you.
Wear beach shoes when walking in the water on the beach.
If you get sucked out into the ocean by an undercurrent follow these instructions:
Do not panic, save all your strength.
Act immediately.
Swim parallel to the shoreline. Even if you cannot, keep trying until you can.
What you are doing is swimming out of the undertow and into the current that will more than likely push you back to shore. Remember, in saltwater you float so you can stay alive for any number of days. Unless you are on a secluded beach a boat will reach you in time to rescue you should you fail to not be able to swim out of the undertow.
If you plan to walk into the jungle make sure you know what you are doing. Carry a GPS and know how to use it. A compass will help the experienced explorer but if you just bought it and expect to enter the jungle and knock about then you may find yourself in deep trouble.
If you have to venture into the bush then please follow these instructions:
- Tell somebody where you are going.
- Bring lots of water.
- Have mosquito repellant.
- Make sure your compass works.
- Mark your trail.
- Be visually aware and remember landmarks.
- Check to see where the sun is when you enter the bush then check your watch to see what time it is, make regular checks to orient yourself to the movement of the sun.
You will not get a break buying film for your camera in Mexico. Look for a sale where you live and buy your film before you leave.
When entering a hotel room for the first time, run the shower for a few minutes, without you being in the room. This will get rid of any build-up of spores that cause Legionaries disease.
When traveling in a large group, it is helpful to either tie the same brightly colored ribbon or affix a brightly colored piece of tape on every piece of luggage. This aids in being able to spot each other’s luggage at all times.
It usually becomes necessary to do at least one hand wash during a trip. Pack a small “Swimmer’s Towel” or “Camping Towel” which you can purchase in a sports equipment store. These towels are small and lightweight.
Pack a dryer sheet in your suitcase for long flights – this helps to eliminate that musty “airplane odor” and you’ll have a “just washed” air to your clothes when you unpack.
To help prevent creasing of clothing, roll up a small towel and place on the inside of where the garments will fold. Or roll your suits up instead of folding.
To keep wiggly toddlers in their seats happily, film their favorite video on your handheld videocamera. Replay in flight, letting them watch it on the small screen.
On the day of the trip or just before you leave, use a Polaroid camera and take photos of each child in your party. Keep the pictures with you at all times. If you become separated from your child, you will have a photo of what your child looks like right then, that day.
Take a battery operated smoke detector and flashlight with you on your trip and keep it on the nightstand in your hotel room during the night.
Mark every piece of luggage inside and outside with your last name and first initial only. Do not use atitle [Mz.] Do not put your home address or destination address on the luggage unless yourdestination is a hotel or resort.
When two women are traveling together, each of you should put one complete outfit in the other’s suitcase in case one suitcase is delayed or lost. It is also a good idea to carry a change of underwear and socks in your carry-on.
Instead of lugging bulky, breakable perfume bottles, soak some cotton balls in your favorite scent and stuff them into empty film canisters. The airtight canisters keep the fragrance fresh!
Wish you had a nightlight in that strange hotel room? You don’t have to pack one. Before you go to bed, turn on the bathroom light, then shut the bathroom door.
To get wet clothes dry overnight, hang them on a coat hanger and hang them in the bathroom – Leave the light on.
You can cut your clothing drying time in half. Roll the wet laundry in a towel, push down hard on the roll, and your washed item is partly dry.
When renting a car, try to obtain two sets of keys. If the rental agency won’t give you an extra set, get one made at the nearest hardware store.
Take two teaspoons of Pepto Bismol before each meal and the chances of you getting diarrhea are reduced.
If one parent is planning to visit Mexico and is taking a minor child, remember to get a notarized letter from the other parent granting permission for the child to travel abroad.
Be sure to pack an effective topical antibiotic cream. The smallest scratch or insect bite can quickly become infected. Try “Bactriban” or “Polysporin”. To prevent ringworm, the most effective product is “Nizoral” – sold over the counter as an anti-dandruff shampoo.
Most people know to ask for unopened bottled water when traveling, but may not realize that it’s all too easy to get sick from ingesting water while showering. The solution: Keep mouthwash in your mouth while showering.
In a restaurant, ask for a bottle of water unopened. Have them open it at the table, and you can be sure you won’t get local water, bottled. This will also tell you that they use bottled water to cook and clean with.
Write on the charge slip right away after purchasing something, the amount, items, date, and place of purchase so you can read it when the statement comes at the end of the month.
Oxygen is hard to find in Cancun – $35 USD per tank any size. Delevery $25 each wayconcentrators $150 USD a week.
If you are staying at an all-inclusive for any length of time it is a good idea to tip the egg-lady at the buffet on your first day. She will remember you. In many resorts the egg-lady is in charge of the breakfest.
Hang your rumpled clothes in the steam of the shower to get them straightened!
Bring a small canvas tote bag folded up in your suitcase. Great for day trips of shopping, and doubles as a beach bag.
Take a couple of clothespins on every trip. Not only are they good for hanging laundry, but they can close the gaps on any hotel drapes, making for better sleeping.
Take water bottles for day trips, often there are no vendors, and if there are, water etc can get very pricey!! By taking empty bottles, you can fill them with juice from the resort.
Remember, you are going to another country. Don’t expect the world to fall at your feet. You can have an amazing cultural experience if you give a little, and in return you’ll get a lot! Smile!
Pack a “boo boo” kit with band aids, antibiotic ointment, Tylenol with a plastic spoon and antiseptic wipes day trips away from the resort or a day by the pool/beach.
Pack each person’s undergarments in a large zip lock bag with a laundry softener sheet with it to keep them smelling fresh and also store them in the dressers the hotels provide you.
Before going through X ray at the airport empty your pockets into a zip lock baggie. Saves a lot of time for those in line behind you when waiting for men to unload and reload pockets.
I always take clear duct tape with me on trips. I have used it to repair a broken snorkel and found it to be very water proof.
Take a universal plug, saves listening to your husband cursing as the water runs away from the sink whilst shaving and your contact lenses disappearing down the bend!
If you plan on golfing, pack balls, gloves, etc. even if you are planning to rent clubs. You won’t believe the prices at some of the pro shops.
Withdrawal money from a local ATM as you will get the exact current exchange rate. Almost all stores will give you an unfavorable conversion rate.
Craft bead containers are great for jewellery – the separate/varied sized compartments keep jewellery (safety pins, etc.) untangled/organized. Get a container that will fit into safe!!
Check what countries your bank works in and what name it is under.
If you feel that you may not be safe in your hotel room, use a rubber door stopper on the inside of your hotel door to prevent any intruder from forcing his/or her way in.
Traveling by air can suck the life out of you! Pack a survival kit: bottle of face moisturizer, eye drops, Purell, neck pillow, bottled H2O & a snack. You will arrive refreshed and ready for fun!!!
Any bottles that have a cap that you press to open, unscrew cap, cover with sandwich bag and screw cap back on. Screw cap on as tight as you can and still get it unscrewed without using your teeth.
Take along a few dollar store items to leave for the maid each morning. You will get extra towels and shampoos etc. in return.
Be sure to ask the cab driver how much the taxi fare will be before you agree to take the taxi.
Take an extra lock for your luggage. While in Mexico, our $4.00 lock broke and we ended up paying $10.00 for a new one.
Try to schedule extra time between flights. Oftentimes you can manage enough time to sightsee in the city for a few hours before your next flight.
Don’t be afraid to ask for extra bottled/canned drinks on the plane. You’ll have a free drink for when you land.
Take a decongestant pill before take-off and landing to help prevent painful popping in the ears. editor: or chew gum
Bring a sarong – can be used for:
– Large towel
– Beach blanket
– Bag
– Skirt dress turban
– Shade
– Changing cubicle
– Clothes line
– Child carrier/hammock
– Cover overflowingsuitcase/ valuables in rush.
Alwasy put shampoo and conditioner ( and any other liquid containers) in plastic bags in suitcase so they do not leak onto clothes during travel.
Make sure you have AT LEAST 2 hours for your stopover in Mexico City in case of delays and to get through customs with your luggage once collected at baggage claim.
Using ATMs will ensure the best exchange rate and you don’t have to carry lots of cash or travelers checks.
Do not use a credit card to make a telephone call in Mexico. A one minute call can cost over $50.00 US. This has happened to me!
Always hand carry medications to your destination … some medications may not be available. Bring a small plastic bottle of bleach.
Always hand-carry medications to your destination. Some medications may not be available.
Take a bath pillow [the kind you blow up] to use on your lounge chair. Easy to pack and priceless for preventing a sore neck.
Put all your valuables in the safe, when your room is being cleaned, sometimes the door is left open for as long as a half hour, and anyone can enter your room and help themselves to your possessions.
Take a ten foot piece of light nylon rope (1/8″) and a few clothespins to hang clothes to dry on your balcony.
Don’t buy anything on the return while waiting at the airport unless you have exact money or don’t mind pesos for change. Pesos are worthless on the plane.
Avoid hotel tours where they give you free certificates or gifts. They are time-share presentations. Why spend a whole morning of your vacation listening to a presentation for a $10 T-shirt?
Bring instant hand sanitizer to Mexico. My wife keeps a small bottle in her bag to clean hands before meals and throughout the day. Most restrooms don’t have soap and paper towels.
If bringing nail polish on a plane always put it in a Ziploc baggie or it might explode on your belongings
If you have an illness that may require treatment in hospital, make sure you find out where the nearest medical centre is and keep the phone number with you at al times.